Sunday, September 13, 2009

Hang a banner

So it happened--China blocked my blog. Yup...they did. And I suppose I should have expected it but it still came as a surprise.

In the interim and my time away I can tell you that I have signed a deal that is worth roughly a billion US dollars. So my company will finally make some money. Should I have been shocked by this--YES!!! Many people who have known me would say to my face that they figured I would be successful and very very profitable. But that didn't mean anything to me until the checks were cashed. Well...they have been cashed and I am on my way to doing something that few achieve but many dream of. I am the president of an alternative energy company and we are actually making money by cleaning up the environment and stopping China from polluting. It's amazing.

I am doing something that I always dream of. Maybe this is finally the beginning of the best years of my life. I'll definitely keep you all posted.

--A wise man in the East